
drawings and observations by Zosienka the London illustrator

Saturday 2 May 2009

Warehouses and Emporiums

A sunshine day and a visit to Hobby Craft with Louisa. I never knew this place existed until today, it is a huge arts and crafts warehouse but in the form of a Lidl or Primark, where the staff don't really give a damn about anything and don't KNOW anything either. So art is no sacred thing in this store. It's a medley of paints and clays and buttons and string, stencils, glues, wood, plastic flowers, cloth, beads, dolls houses, and packets of mini eggs. An unusual selection, wouldn't you say?
So I came away with some balsa wood planks, a little spray paint, two terracotta flower pots, copper wire, milliput, green fabric and extreme hunger.
Hunger is always a consequence of shopping. Two days ago I only managed to browse two fabric shops on Berwick Street before weakly collapsing into a Greek Cafe and greedily ordering some Halloumi.
Speaking of fabric shops, "Cloth House" was magnificent:

Some of the fabrics were very beautiful, but what impressed me most was the design of the shop interior. My camera was unavailable, so no photographs of my own to share with you. All I can do is recommend a visit...
No. 47 Berwick Street, Soho, London, W1F 8SJ

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